NJT VAT Return Manager

(Bridging software for online filing of the MTD compliant VAT Returns to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs)

Software Release History

Latest 'VAT Return Manager' Release - Version 8.3 (22nd May 2024)

Click on the individual 'Calendar Year' to view the details.

Version 8.3 (22 May 2024)

  • Defect Fix - Corrected the displaying of 'HMRC Fraud Headers' message when the Internet connection is unstable.
  • Enhancement - Amended messages related to HMRC's system change on 09 May 2024, that no longer allows access from computers using Windows 7, Windows 8.x, Server 2008 or Server 2012.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.

Version 8.2 (21 January 2024)

  • Defect Fix - Corrected the Dashboard positioning where loaded on a 'Secondary' display and where the Windows 'Main' display scaling is set to above 150%. Note: Only tested a 'Two Display combination'.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.

Version 8.1 (08 October 2023)

  • Defect Fix - Corrected the automatic licence activation routine to cater for all types of upgrade.
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the 'Retrieve Obligation' routine to cater for initial submission where multiple outstanding VAT Returns exist.
  • Enhancement - Improved the HMRC error message wordings.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 8.0 (26 May 2023)
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the error when attempting to retrieve liabilities and payments for the current year.
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the intermittent 'Not Found' message when attempting to view historical VAT Returns.
Version 7.9 (14 May 2023)
  • Legal Requirement - Relaxed the validation process where a Public IP address is detected per response from HMRC on 4th May 2023.
  • Defect Fix - Resolved the 'Run-Time Error' returned during the 'Standard Excel' Import where multiple worksheets exist and the Start & End dates are invalid.
  • Defect Fix - Refined the startup routine that detects whether software is located within a OneDrive or DropBox folder.
  • Enhancement - Improved the accuracy and flexibility when checking for an active internet connection.
  • Enhancement - Refined the routines used to download new software versions to reduce the risk of potential future 'False Dections' by Anti Virus software such as Kaspersky and Sophos.
  • Enhancement - Now positions secondary forms & messages relative to the Dashboard (applicable to multiple monitors).
Version 7.8 (08 April 2023)
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the highlighted VAT Return unpon startup, change of Taxpayer and after submission. This should be either an outstanding VAT Return or the Latest VAT Return.
  • Enhancement - Improved the narrative within the message, for 'Single' users of OneDrive, where the NJT software is located within a 'OneDrive' associated folder.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 7.7 (04 April 2023)
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the 'Automatic licence activation' routine when Licence Type has changed. For example 'Business' to 'Business5'.
  • Legal Requirement - Amended the 'Fraud Prevention' information check introduced in Version 7.6. Now displays a separate message where your IP address is not within a Private range.
  • Enhancement - Improved the narrative within the message, for 'Single' users of OneDrive, where the NJT software is located within a 'OneDrive' associated folder.
Version 7.6 (31 March 2023)
  • Legal Requirement - Due to pressure from HMRC, this software will now only communicate with HMRC where all the 'Fraud Prevention' information has been successfully obtained from your computer. For example, your private IP address.
  • Enhancement - On Startup, a more informative message is displayed where the NJT software is located within a 'OneDrive' associated folder.
  • Enhancement - On occasion, the HMRC system has returned incorrect obligation date ranges as far back as 2018. Therefore the range of dates available within the manual obligation retrieval form has been extended to allow the user to correct this anomoly.
  • Enhancement - Added a new Import option '1. NJT Digital Records software (Excel)' and renumbered the remaining list items. This is in readiness for the future release of the new, Excel based, NJT bookkeeping software.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.

Version 7.5 (06 October 2022)

  • Defect Fix - Corrected an inconsistency when inspecting the 'Grant Authority' Expiry Date.
  • Enhancement - Installed an official 'Digital Code Signing' certificate, which has been verified and issued by Sectigo, a Certificate Authority provider.
Version 7.4 (30 August 2022)
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the 'Automatic licence activation' routine when updating from 'Evaluation Only'.
  • Enhancement - Improved the error handling where the HMRC system 'Times Out' due to high customer usage. During these periods, invalid data may be returned to this software.
Version 7.3 (06 August 2022)
  • Legal Requirement - Improved the routines that capture the 'Local IP Address' and 'Local MAC Address'. This is part of the 'HMRC Fraud Prevention' information.
  • Enhancement - Improved the error handling where the HMRC system 'Times Out' due to high customer usage. During these periods, invalid data may be returned to this software.
  • Enhancement - Extended the scope of software licence renewals that can be automatically activated when opening the software.
Version 7.2 (08 June 2022)
  • Defect Fix - Changed Date format routines to cater for situation where Windows Short Date format is inconsistent with the Windows Regional Date setting. For Example, Short Date format is set to 'DD-MMM-YYYY' whereas Windows Region defaults to 'MMM-DD-YYYY'.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 7.1 (17 May 2022)
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the automatic licence renewal routine where the Windows Regional Date setting is not DD/MM/YYYY.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 7.0 (03 May 2022)
  • Legal Requirement - Changed the routines that capture the 'Local IP Address' and 'Local MAC Address', when Malwarebytes Anti Virus software is installed. This is part of the 'HMRC Fraud Prevention' information.
Version 6.9 (12 April 2022)
  • Legal Requirement - Changed the routines that capture the 'Local IP Address' and 'Local MAC Address', when Windows is configured as a 'Public Network'. This is part of the 'HMRC Fraud Prevention' information.
  • Enhancement - Amended the 'MYOB' Import routine to cater for new Excel Worksheet layout. Previously, Row 1 and Column A was always empty.
  • Enhancement - Add the 'Default Web Browser' the 'System Details' screen. To assist support where the Windows configuration does not assign an appropriate browser.
Version 6.8 (23 March 2022)
  • Legal Requirement - Changed the routines that capture the 'Local IP Address' and 'Local MAC Address', which is part of the 'HMRC Fraud Prevention' information.
Version 6.7 (16 March 2022)
  • Enhancement - Now supports the new Sage V28 format when exporting the VATRET report in Excel format.
Version 6.6 (12 March 2022)
  • Legal Requirement - Changed the routines that capture the 'HMRC Fraud Prevention' information. Also added to 'System Details' form.
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the 'Taxpayer Delete' routine that was not repositioning correctly after the record was deleted. (The Excel function used for this proved to be unreliable).

Version 6.5 (07 December 2021)

  • Enhancement - During the 'Standard Excel' Import, now automatically removes embedded spaces within VAT Registration Number.
  • Enhancement - When retrieving an Obligation manually, you can now select a period start date up to 2 years in the past. This was previously 1 year.
  • Enhancement - Now displays a warning message when the '18-month' HMRC authority is due to expire soon.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 6.4 (18 August 2021)
  • Enhancement - The software will now attempt to automatically activate the 12-month software licence. Otherwise the licence can be activated via the 'Renew Licence' button located at the bottom right of the Dashboard. Enhancement - Amended the Sage CSV Import routine to cater for new layout where column 1 = Value, column 2 = Desc & column 3 = Box No.
Version 6.3 (01 July 2021)
  • Defect Fix - Within the Import routine, corrected the Box 5 calculation when appending 'Group' VAT Return values that result in a Reclaim from HMRC.
Version 6.2 (11 May 2021)
  • Defect Fix - Amended the Grant Authority routine to capture the correct Refresh Token.
Version 6.1 (08 April 2021)
  • Enhancement - Various changes to better cater for Windows International Regional settings.
  • Enhancement - Improved the handling of undefined errors returned when communicating with the HMRC MTD system.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 6.0 (30 March 2021)
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the HMRC 'Fraud Prevention' routine. Returned an error where the Windows Regional settings for 'Decimal point is not set to "." (Full Stop). For information a "," (Comma) is often used for certain languages.
  • Defect Fix - Sage CSV file import - Certain CSV files exported from Sage include lines for Box 10 and 11 (EU Services). Fixed the incorrect Box 1 to 9 values caused by this. The values in Box 10 and 11 are now automatically added to Box 8 and 9 respectively.
Version 5.8 (22 March 2021)
  • Defect Fix - Fixed the defect that calculated an incorrect Box 5 total when importing 'Appended' VAT Returns with a negative Box 5 value.
  • Enhancement - Amended the 'Xero' import validation routine to cater for variations in the export file contents.
  • Enhancement - Various changes to better cater for Windows International Regional settings.
Version 5.7 (26 January 2021)
  • Defect Fix - Fixed the defect, within the 'Print VAT Return', that incorrectly changed the VAT Period Start Date. This caused the 'Submit VAT Return' routine to fail.
  • Enhancement - Now performs a 'HMRC system compatibily check' against the current NJT software version.
Version 5.6 (22 January 2021)
  • Defect Fix - Fixed the defect when importing from a 'Sage CSV' file. Symptom: The import routine ended before capturing the Box totals.
Version 5.5 (21 January 2021)
  • Legal Requirement - Updated the compulsory 'Fraud Prevention Transaction Monitoring' information as directed by HMRC.
  • Enhancement - Improved the Licence Renewal Request routine to prevent duplicate requests and to prompt User to check 'Junk' mail folder.
  • Enhancement - Automatically retrieve the current 'Period Key' before submitting a VAT Return (HMRC system change).
  • HMRC System Change - Introduced an automatic wording change to VAT Return boxes 2, 4, 8 & 9 for 'Postoned Accounting' effective where Vat Period starts on or after 01 Jan 2021.
  • Enhancement - No longer requires 'Standard Excel' workbook to be closed before Import.
  • Enhancement - During the import from 'Pegasus Opera', introduced an option to transfer value from 'Box 2' to 'Box 1' to fix an accounts issue.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.

Version 5.4 (15 June 2020)

  • Legal Requirement - Updated the compulsory 'Fraud Prevention Transaction Monitoring' information as directed by HMRC.
  • Enhancement - Liabilities & Payments are now displayed in 'Ascending Date' order.
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the software licence activation routine to check against the total 'Active Taxpayers'. Previously, it checked against all 'Taxpayer' records.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 5.3 (05 May 2020)
  • System Addition - Now supports 'Zoho Books' Accounts via a VAT Return file exported in 'PDF' format then manually coverted to XML format using Microsoft Word.
  • Enhancement - The 'Data Backup' routine now allows you to select your own backup folder, which will then become the default for future backups.
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the QuickBooks Import validation where the Obligated period is a single month.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 5.2 (22 Mar 2020)
  • Enhancement - Now displays a message during 'Start-up' where the HMRC system is not currently available or where HMRC plan future 'Down Time'. For example, due to planned maintenance.
  • Enhancement - Added new software licence 'AgencyPlus', which allows unlimited 'Taxpayers'.
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the QuickBooks Import validation where the Obligated period crosses a 'Year End' boundary.
  • Defect Fix - Now identifes, at start-up, where the software is located within a Web folder (i.e. starts with 'https://').
    The NJT software will not function as it does not have the necessary permissions to maintain Cloud based files and folders.
    For example, where OneDrive is configured to 'Collaborate on documents in real time'.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 5.1 (08 Mar 2020)
  • Enhancement - Added the optional 'Order Reference' entry within the 'Quick' licence renewal.
  • Defect Fix - Fixed the 'Missing Excel Menus' issue when transferring to a new version on certain Office versions. Note: This fix will become effective when updating from V5.1 onwards.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 5.0 (02 Feb 2020)
  • Enhancement - Introduced a 'Quick' Licence Renewal. You can now send a renewal request directly from the software via the 'Renew Licence' function.
  • Enhancement - Removed the 'MTD-VATx' sheet name restriction for the 'Standard Excel' Import. Sheets can now be any name you choose.
  • Enhancement - Amended the User Configuration to allow 3 ways to communicate with HMRC and the internet. You can now choose 'Normal', 'Server' or 'Windows'. The recommended method is 'Normal'. Note: Only change this where 'Normal' does not function correctly.
  • Enhancement - Amended the TAS Books Import routine to cater for additional Export file layouts.
  • Defect Fix - Improved the detection of errors encountered when importing from VT Transaction+ and VT Cashbook.
  • Defect Fix - Removed library 'OLE Automation' in an attempt to resolve the intermitent 'Enter Password' message when exiting Excel after the workbook has been closed.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.

Version 4.9 (02 Dec 2019)

  • Enhancement - If a problem is encountered when downloading a new software release, the routine will automatically attempt an alternative download method.
  • System Addition - Extended the 'MYOB' Import option to include files exported in Text (Comma Separated) format.
  • Defect Fix - Amended the Licence Renewal routine that incorrectly displayed the '..Already Activated' message.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 4.8 (31 Oct 2019)
  • Enhancement - During Import, you can optionally append the Box Totals to a previously imported Vat Return. This provides an MTD compliant method to consolidate Box Totals into a finalised Return, assuming no manual adjustments are required.
  • System Addition - Now supports 'Microsoft Dynamics Business Central' Accounts via a VAT Return file exported in Excel format.
  • Defect Fix - Resolved the error when importing from an Excel Workbook that contained missing external links.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 4.7 (06 Oct 2019)
  • Post Release Update - Windows Defender (False Positive)
    On 7th September 2019, Microsoft Windows Defender started to incorrectly detect a 'Trojan' virus within the NJT software.
    On 7th September 2019, NJT software V4.6 was submitted to the Microsoft Security Intelligence Team for analysis and was confirmed as Clean.
    On 7th October 2019, NJT software V4.7 was submitted to the Microsoft Security Intelligence Team for analysis and was confirmed as Clean.
    On 8th October 2019, Microsoft confirmed that the incorrect detection (False Positive) has now been removed from Windows Defender. This change was implemented in Windows Defender version 1.303.1174.0.
    1. Within Windows Defender, Check for new versions.
    2. If the NJT software has been 'Quarantined' by an earlier Windows Defender version, you can safely restore the file via the 'Protection History' section.

  • Legal Requirement - Updated the compulsory 'Fraud Prevention Transaction Monitoring' information. It is now included within all communications, as directed by HMRC.
  • Defect Fix - Resolved the error when double clicking on the file during Import.
  • [A] Important Change - On 7th September 2019, Microsoft Windows Defender Anit-Virus software started to INCORRECTLY detect a virus within the NJT software. Interestingly, this only occurs with certain Defender releases and not all instances are flagged. The Microsoft Security Intelligence team has analysed the NJT software and confirmed that the software is clean. This is known as a 'False Positive'. Microsoft is currently unable to explain why the software is being flagged.
    [B] All WorkSheets and Data Tables have been re-created. Windows Defender release (1.303.1004.0) scans the software as Clean. For information, NJT software is ALWAYS scanned before release using Windows Defender, MalwareBytes and SuperAntiSpyware.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 4.6 (01 Sep 2019)
  • System Addition - Now supports 'Perfect Books' Accounts via a VAT Return file exported in 'Text' format.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 4.5 (22 Aug 2019)
  • Defect Fix - Resolved the issue when checking for new software version. This only affected certain Office installations running on Windows 7 machines.
  • Defect Fix - Amended the IRIS import validation routine to cater for negative values enclosed in brackets.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 4.4 (20 Aug 2019)
  • Defect Fix - During SAP ERP import, the routine now populates the current Vat Return mapping with the previous Vat Return values.
  • Enhancement - The TAS Books Import routine now caters for variable export report formats.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 4.3 (28 Jul 2019)
  • Defect Fix - Resolved the intermittent 'Excel Not Responding' error when printing a VAT Return using Excel 2007 & 2010.
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the 'Refresh Client Status' routine, within the 'Agent-Client Authorisation' function.
  • Enhancement - Improved the description on the 'Grant Authority' button. Now differentiates between 'Agent' and 'Taxpayer'.
  • Enhancement - Amended the 'Historic VAT Returns' function to generate additional Log files to assist in the resolution of HMRC system issues.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 4.2 (21 Jul 2019)
  • Enhancement and Defect Fix - Improved the 'Print and Save As PDF' routine. You can now change the destination folder and filename when saving. Also fixed the error when printing using Excel 2010.
  • System Additions - Now supports 'FBA-Promar' Accounts via a VAT Return file exported in CSV format.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 4.1 (07 Jul 2019)
  • Enhancement - Improved the process when transferring to a new version. The Transfer is triggered automatically after you download the new version.
  • Defect Fix - The VAT Registration Date is now displayed within the Taxpayer form. This information is required when using the Agent-Client Authorisation function. Note: Applicable to 'Agency' type licences only. Also applied fixes to the Agent-Client function.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 4.0 (29 Jun 2019)
  • Enhancement - Introduced new feature for 'Agency' Licences called 'Agent-Client Authorisation'. You can now generate 'Client Sign-up' Invitations and check the 'Agent/Client Relationship' from within the NJT software. Note: You will need to Grant Authority again to initiate this service. Also you will need to enter your Agent Services Reference No. (ARN) when prompted within the function.
  • Defect Fix - Amended the certain 'Date' routines to display dates consistently, where Microsft Windows is configured to use Regions other than United Kingdom. For example '01 Apr 2019' (UK) or 'Apr 01 2019' (USA).
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 3.7 (08 Jun 2019)
  • Legal Requirement - Updated the compulsory 'Fraud Prevention Transaction Monitoring' information included within the VAT Return submission, as directed by HMRC.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 3.6 (02 Jun 2019)
  • Enhancement - amended the 'CSV (Standard Format)' Import option to cater for CSV files generated from dBase IV applications.
  • Enhancement - amended the 'Xero (Excel VAT Return Report)' Import option to cater for variable VAT Registration No. formats.
  • System Additions - Now supports 'Kingswood' Accounts via a VAT Return report file exported in Excel format.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 3.5 (19 May 2019)
  • Enhancement - When retrieving a VAT Obligation, previously submitted Obligations are now ignored. This compensates for the HMRC system fault, that returns incorrect Obligations.
  • System Addition - Extended the 'Sage ('CSV' VAT Return Report)' option to include Sage 200 V7.
  • System Additions - Now supports 'Acorn Legal' Accounts and 'MYOB' Accounting via a VAT Return report file exported in Excel format.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 3.4 (05 May 2019)
  • Legal Requirement - Updated the compulsory 'Fraud Prevention Transaction Monitoring' information included within the VAT Return submission, as directed by HMRC.
  • System Additions - Now supports 'Avanti' and 'Exchequer' Accounts via a VAT Return report file exported in Excel format.
  • Enhancement - For SAP ERP, now allows personalised calculation of Box totals via a 'Mapping' table.
  • Enhancement - Included warning message at startup for Excel 2013 users, where Service Pack 1 is not installed.
  • Enhancement - Added VAT Return Due Date to Receipt.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 3.3 (06 Apr 2019)
  • Defect Fix - Amended the Import 'Decimal point rounding' routine to use the 'Arithmetic' method. It was previously using the 'Banker's' method.
  • System Addition - Enhanced the 'TAS Books' import function to support VAT 'Detailed' report files exported in both 'CSV' & 'Excel' format.
  • System Addition - Now supports 'OPSIS Millennium' Accounts via a VAT Return report file exported in Text format.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 3.2 (31 Mar 2019)
  • Legal Requirement - Introduced the compulsory 'Fraud Prevention Transaction Monitoring' information, now included within the VAT Return submission, as directed by HMRC.
  • System Addition - Now supports 'PC Law' Accounts via a VAT Return report file exported in Text format.
  • Amended the Terms of Use & Privacy Notice.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 3.1 (24 Mar 2019)
  • Defect Fix - Added selective delays when saving files on Servers.
  • Defect Fix - Changed method of creating PDF files.
  • Minor Enhancement - Amended the 'SAP Business One' import routine to cater for Box values exported to different columns. For example, Column C or K.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 3.0 (17 Mar 2019)
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the 'Save As PDF' page size. Now saves as A4.
  • System Addition - Now supports 'More' Accounts and 'SAP ERP' via a VAT Return file exported in Excel format.
  • Design Change - Re-designed the 'Grant Authority' Form in support of the future 'Agent/Client Authorisation' and 'Self Assessment' functionality.
  • Licence Type Addition - Introduced new Licence Types 'Business50', 'Business75' & 'Business100' specifically for businesses with up to 50, 75 & 100 VAT accounts respectively.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 2.9 (07 Mar 2019)
  • Defect Fix - Corrected the routine that validates the Start Date when retrieving Liabilities.
  • Defect Fix - Resolved the error 400 'Invalid Date Range', returned when automatically retrieving an obligation.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 2.8 (03 Mar 2019)
  • System Addition - Now supports 'IRIS', VAT Return files exported in Excel format and files intially exported to Rich Text Format (RTF) format then saved as a 'Plain Text' file from within Microsoft Word.
  • Defect Fix - Fixed the automatic positioning of Forms when using dual montiors.
  • Minor Enhancement - Amended the 'Pegasus Opera I' Import search to allow '.spl' files in addition to '.txt' files.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 2.7 (24 Feb 2019)
  • Defect Fix - Amended the QuickBooks Excel import routine to cater for periods across two Calendar years. For example 'Nov 18 - Jan 19'.
  • Minor Enhancement - Re-designed the 'Zoom' functions. Now you set the zoom value from the dashboard and all other forms are adjusted accordingly subject to their original size.
  • Design Change - Re-designed the 'Taxpayer' Form in support of the future 'Agent/Client Authorisation' and 'Self Assessment' functionality.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 2.6 (17 Feb 2019)
  • 3 System Additions - Now supports 'SAP Business One' 'TAS Books' and 'Xero' via files exported in Excel format.
  • Minor Enhancement - Now supports 'Universal Naming Convention' (UNC) to access the software itself and files stored on servers and remote computers. For example '\\MyServer\MyFolder\'.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 2.5 (10 Feb 2019)
  • Defect Fix - Amended the Sage 'CSV' import routine to correctly capture negative values.
  • Licence Type Addition - Introduced new Licence Types 'Business10' & 'Business25' specifically for businesses with up to 10 & 25 VAT accounts respectively.
  • System Addition - Now supports Sage 200 via the 'Sage CSV' import option.
  • Minor Enhancement - Amended the VAT Obligation Period Form to allow customised date ranges.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 2.4 (03 Feb 2019)
  • System Addition - Extended the range of Sage versions supported. Now supports additional exported VAT reports from Sage 50 and Instant Accounts in 'CSV' or 'Excel' format.
  • Minor Enhancement - Now supports a wider range of screen resolutions, particularly where the computer screen display 'Text size' in the 'Windows Control Panel' is set to a high percentage.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 2.3 (27 Jan 2019)
  • Design Change - New Taxpayer Form design and changed Taxpayer record item 'HMRC Account Type' value from 'Business' to 'Taxpayer'. Part of the re-design for future Income Tax functionality.
  • Defect Fix - Amended 'Save as PDF' routine to resolve the intermittent fault when overwriting a previously saved PDF file.
  • Minor Enhancement - Added '+' & '-' Zoom buttons to certain Forms. You can now re-size these forms individually. Introduced for computers with a very high resolution so forms can be adjusted to better fit the screen. Zoom settings are saved for future use.
  • Minor Enhancement - Amended certain text references from 'Business' to 'Taxpayer' and 'Business Name' to 'Taxpayer Name' as part of the initial re-design to cater for future Income Tax submissions.
  • Added QuickBooks 2001 to the list of supported systems.
Version 2.2 (14 Jan 2019)
  • Defect Fix - Amended 'New Version Data Transfer' routine to close the 'Progress Bar' form after an 'Invalid Backup File' message is displayed.
  • Minor Enhancement - User Guide Form now remains visible until closed and is positioned Top Left of screen.
  • Added Sage Instant Accounts V10 to the list of supported systems.
Version 2.1 (08 Jan 2019)
  • Minor Enhancement - Improved the 'Check New Product Version' routine to both download new versions and then automatically transfer data via buttons.
  • Added Pegasus Opera V3.40 to the list of supported systems.

Version 2.0 (30 Dec 2018)

  • Medium Enhancement - Changed the 'Grant Authority' routine to launch the User's default Web Browser as opposed to Internet Explorer. The Authorisation Code is now retrieved from HMRC via 'Copy' and 'Paste' buttons. This change removes the restrictions imposed by the compulsory use of Internet Explorer. Although an extra step is required, this process is only undertaken every 18 months.
Version 1.7 (18 Dec 2018)
  • Resolved the defect that returned the error message 'ActiveX component can't create object' whilst 'Building HTTP List', when opeing the Workbook. This error was reported when using Windows 7 and Excel 2010 (64-bit).
  • Added QuickBooks 2014 to the list of supported systems.
Version 1.6 (04 Dec 2018)
  • Amended the 'Retrieve Obligation' routines to optionally retrieve specific 'Open' obligations, to cater for the existence of multiple 'Open' obligations that are not retrievable using the automatic method.
  • Introduced a configurable option for the method used to retrieve obligated VAT Returns. the choices are 'Automatic' or 'Manual'.
    'Automatic' is the recommended setting for retrieving obligated VAT Returns as they are automatically retrieved in strict sequence based on your period stagger.
    'Manual' can be selected, where on the rare occasion, you need to retrieve a specific obligation, possibly out of sequence.
  • Within the Import Drop-Down list, reduced the number of 'Sage 50' items by combining all versions, resulting in 1 item in the list.
  • Added Sage Instant Accounts Version 20 to the list of supported systems.
  • Added an Access exported file in Excel format to the list of supported systems.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 1.5 (26 Nov 2018)
  • Resolved the error message "Unexpected Error (32809)", which ocurred whilst opening the software in Excel versions 2007 and 2010.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 1.4 (25 Nov 2018)
  • Now supports both '32-bit and '64-bit' versions of Microsoft Excel.
  • Introduced the facility to change the PDF Receipts default folder location for an individual Business.
  • When the Workbook is opened, the version of the installed Internet Explorer (IE) is checked. Where the version is less than V11, a warning message is displayed. This is because the software has been tested using IE V11. Therefore the software may not work correctly with earlier IE versions and is therefore not supported.
  • Improved the instructions, within the Licence form, on how to purchase or renew a software licence.
  • Improved the 'Outline Process' narrative within the User Guide.
  • Amended the 'Old Style' Business records transfer utility to populate the 'HMRC Account Type' with the value 'Agent'.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 1.3 (18 Nov 2018)
  • Amended the 'Sage 50 V24' import routine to read the Excel file, VAT Return report as opposed to the VAT Return Table formatted report. The VAT Return report contains the Business Name and Period Dates.
  • Within the Import Drop-Down list, reduced the number of 'Sage 50' items by combining 'V16-19' and 'V22-24', resulting in 2 items in the list.
  • Applied minor defect fixes and cosmetic improvements.
Version 1.2 (12 Nov 2018)
  • Now caters for businesses with multiple VAT accounts. An Agency software licence can be purchased. Within the software, Authority can be granted independently for each Business account. This provides a more cost effective solution as separate 'Business' licences are no longer required.
  • Amended all text references from 'Taxpayer' to 'Business' and 'Company Name' to 'Business Name' in line with the HMRC's revised terminology.
Version 1.1 (05 Nov 2018)
  • When the workbook is opened and the Excel Macro settings are incorrect, the User can now adjust these settings directly via the 'Trust Centre' settings.
  • Corrected reference to VT Accounts library and corrected minor cosmetic defects.
Version 1.0 (02 Nov 2018)
  • Initial release for use with the HMRC MTD VAT 'Public' Pilot.